
Individuals who have been in the United States for 5 years or less qualify for our program to receive employment assistance, skills training, and other services leading to self-sufficiency.

Employee Spotlight

 Dayana Enriquez

Dayana Enriquez

Refugee Employment and Training Program Job Developer

Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ )

Tell me about the Refugee Employment & Training Program?

This program is mainly for refugees that have been in the U.S. for less than 5 years. We help them with school referrals to learn English. We also assist them with job counseling, resume formatting and building, pre-employment orientation, interview preparation and pre / post job interview skills.

How do you make best attempt to help job candidate in his/her job pursuit?
I gather information about their trade(s) and jobs they may be skilled in. I work closely with them with resume development and help revise as they go along.
How do you help employers and employees best match each other?
I pre -screen the employer and carefully review the job description. I try to interview the candidate and carefully try to find the right match.
Tell me about follow-up process?

I call about a month or two after job placement takes place to see how its going. If it is not going well, I rematch with other job to try to make better fit.

What is your favorite aspect of your job?

Trying to find everyone employment , feeling the sense of satisfaction that I helped someone.

Provee una variedad de servicios que ayudan al refugiado que lleva menos de cinco años en los Estados Unidos a encontrar y retener un empleo con la meta de lograr un empleo y autosuficiencia o independencia economica.

Este programa es financiado por El Departamento de Niños y Familias y Career-Source South Florida.

Located in our Hialeah Office:

240 East 1st Ave # 207
Hialeah, FL 33010
Telephone: (305) 887-4140